dimanche 30 octobre 2011
Ronaldo Luis Nazário de Lima biographie
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Ronaldo Luis Nazário de Lima, dit Ronaldo, est un footballeur brésilien né le 22 septembre 1976 à Rio de Janeiro.
Évoluant au poste d'avant-centre, il commence sa carrière professionnelle au Brésil, à Cruzeiro. Il part ensuite pour l'Europe et le PSV Eindhoven. Il y reste deux saisons avant de signer pour le FC Barcelone pour un séjour d'une saison. Ronaldo est ensuite recruté par l'Inter Milan lors d'un transfert record. Il reste cinq saisons en Serie A. Après la Coupe du monde 2002, il rejoint les « Galactiques » du Real Madrid pour quarante-deux millions d'euros. Après cinq saisons avec le club madrilène, il rejoint le Milan AC. En 2009, il retourne dans son pays natal et il est transféré aux Corinthians, club dans lequel il joue ses derniers matchs. Il annonce sa retraite le 14 février 2011.
Surnommé Il Fenomeno, Ronaldo a remporté de nombreux titres avec l'équipe nationale du Brésil. Il a gagné deux fois la Coupe du monde de la FIFA en 1994 et 2002 et échoué une fois en finale en 1998. Meilleur buteur lors de la Coupe du monde 2002 avec huit buts, il est le meilleur joueur de la finale durant laquelle il inscrit un doublé. Il est le joueur qui a inscrit le plus de buts en Coupe du monde avec quinze réalisations. Avec soixante-deux buts en quatre-vingt-dix-huit sélections, il est le deuxième meilleur buteur de la Seleção derrière Pelé. En club, malgré des passages dans quelques grands clubs européens, il n'a pas remporté la Ligue des champions à l'inverse de victoires en Coupe de l'UEFA ou en Coupe des coupes. Les titres de champion des Pays-Bas et d'Espagne s'ajoutent à son palmarès.
Nommé au FIFA 100 par Pelé et la FIFA, il a remporté deux fois le Ballon d'Or France Football en 1997 et 2002. Élu meilleur footballeur de l'année FIFA en 1996, 1997, 2002 et Soulier d'Or européen en 1997 et 2002, Il Fenomeno est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs buteurs de l'histoire.
Zinedine Zidane bioghraphie
Zinedine Zidane
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Zinedine Yazid Zidane, né le 23 juin 1972 à Marseille, souvent surnommé Zizou, est un footballeur international français.
Il est cité parmi les plus grands joueurs de football de tous les temps et est listé parmi les 125 meilleurs joueurs mondiaux encore vivants en 2004, dans un classement conjoint de Pelé et de la Fédération internationale de football association (FIFA). Sportif préféré des Français en 2006[2], il est classé à trois reprises meilleur joueur mondial de l'année par la FIFA en 1998, 2000 et 2003[3] et ballon d'or en 1998. Il est par deux fois classé second meilleur joueur français de tous les temps par France Football. En 2004, il est élu meilleur joueur européen du demi-siècle par l'UEFA et devance donc des légendes comme Cruijff, Beckenbauer ou encore Platini.
Jouant au poste de milieu offensif, il a été le meneur de jeu de prestigieux clubs européens, comme la Juventus de Turin et le Real Madrid, avec lesquels il a remporté de nombreux titres nationaux et internationaux.
Sélectionné à 108 reprises avec l'équipe de France, Zinédine Zidane s'illustre principalement au niveau international lors de la victoire à la Coupe du monde de 1998 où il marque deux buts de la tête lors de la finale gagnée 3-0 contre le Brésil et au championnat d'Europe de 2000 également remporté.
Célèbre numéro 10 des Bleus, il met un terme à sa carrière suite à la Coupe du monde de 2006, au cours de laquelle il se distingue et obtient le titre de meilleur joueur du mondial[4]. Le 9 juillet 2006, il joue son dernier match à l’occasion de la finale de la Coupe du monde opposant l'Italie à la France. Il s'y illustre de manière ambivalente en inscrivant son 31e but sous le maillot français par une panenka réussie, mais aussi par son expulsion sur carton rouge pour un coup de tête au thorax de Marco Materazzi.
Jouant au poste de milieu offensif, il a été le meneur de jeu de prestigieux clubs européens, comme la Juventus de Turin et le Real Madrid, avec lesquels il a remporté de nombreux titres nationaux et internationaux.
Sélectionné à 108 reprises avec l'équipe de France, Zinédine Zidane s'illustre principalement au niveau international lors de la victoire à la Coupe du monde de 1998 où il marque deux buts de la tête lors de la finale gagnée 3-0 contre le Brésil et au championnat d'Europe de 2000 également remporté.
Célèbre numéro 10 des Bleus, il met un terme à sa carrière suite à la Coupe du monde de 2006, au cours de laquelle il se distingue et obtient le titre de meilleur joueur du mondial[4]. Le 9 juillet 2006, il joue son dernier match à l’occasion de la finale de la Coupe du monde opposant l'Italie à la France. Il s'y illustre de manière ambivalente en inscrivant son 31e but sous le maillot français par une panenka réussie, mais aussi par son expulsion sur carton rouge pour un coup de tête au thorax de Marco Materazzi.
Lionel Messi bioghraphie
Lionel Messi
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Lionel Andrés Messi, souvent surnommé Leo Messi, né le 24 juin 1987 à Rosario en Argentine, est un footballeur argentin, possédant également la nationalité espagnole. Gaucher, il évolue avec le numéro 10 au poste de meneur de jeu au FC Barcelone et pour l'équipe nationale d'Argentine. Il est aujourd'hui considéré comme le meilleur joueur du monde par de nombreux spécialistes du football.
En 2009, Messi remporte un "grand chelem" inédit (Liga, Coupe d'Espagne, Ligue des champions, Supercoupe d'Espagne, Supercoupe de l'UEFA, Coupe du monde des clubs) dans l'histoire du football avec le FC Barcelone. Il est élu meilleur buteur de la Ligue des Champions avec 9 buts. Son année extraordinaire est récompensée par chaque récompense privée majeure. Il est élu très largement meilleur joueur du championnat d'Espagne, meilleur joueur de club par l'UEFA, meilleur joueur mondial de la FIFA et remporte le Ballon d'or avec un nombre de suffrages record.
En 2010, il devient Pichichi et Soulier d'or européen pour la première fois de sa carrière grâce à ses 34 buts inscrits en Liga. Il est également primé meilleur buteur de la Ligue des Champions avec 8 buts et meilleur joueur du championnat d'Espagne. Auteur de 47 buts en 53 matchs durant la saison 2009-2010, Messi égale le record de buts de Ronaldo en une saison au FC Barcelone. Il remporte la Liga et la Supercoupe d'Espagne. En fin d'année, il remporte un second Ballon d'or consécutif. Il aura marqué 60 buts (dont 58 à Barcelone) en 2010.
En 2011, il devient pour la troisième fois consécutive meilleur buteur de la Ligue des champions, compétition qu'il remporte en territoire anglais. Il devient meilleur buteur, ex-æquo avec Ruud Van Nistelrooy, lors d'une édition de Ligue des Champions, avec 12 buts. De plus Messi bat le record de buts de Ronaldo en une saison au FC Barcelone en totalisant 53 buts en 55 matches. Messi remporte la Liga pour la 5e fois de sa carrière. L'argentin est élu meilleur joueur et meilleur passeur avec 18 passes du championnat d'Espagne, co-meilleur buteur de la Coupe d'Espagne avec 7 buts, Meilleur joueur en Europe de l’UEFA. Il gagne également la Supercoupe d'Espagne, compétition dont il devient le meilleur buteur de l'histoire avec 8 buts, et la Supercoupe de l'UEFA à Monaco.
À seulement 24 ans, Lionel Messi a déjà remporté 17 titres majeurs : 3 Ligue des Champions (il est blessé pour la finale de 2006), 5 Championnats d'Espagne, 5 Supercoupes d'Espagne, une Coupe d'Espagne, 2 Supercoupes d'Europe et une Coupe du monde des clubs avec le FC Barcelone, club dans lequel il joue depuis l'âge de treize ans et pour lequel il est déjà le 2e meilleur buteur de l'histoire (à égalité avec Ladislao Kubala). Avec la sélection argentine, il a remporté les Jeux olympiques 2008 de Pékin.
En 2009, Messi remporte un "grand chelem" inédit (Liga, Coupe d'Espagne, Ligue des champions, Supercoupe d'Espagne, Supercoupe de l'UEFA, Coupe du monde des clubs) dans l'histoire du football avec le FC Barcelone. Il est élu meilleur buteur de la Ligue des Champions avec 9 buts. Son année extraordinaire est récompensée par chaque récompense privée majeure. Il est élu très largement meilleur joueur du championnat d'Espagne, meilleur joueur de club par l'UEFA, meilleur joueur mondial de la FIFA et remporte le Ballon d'or avec un nombre de suffrages record.
En 2010, il devient Pichichi et Soulier d'or européen pour la première fois de sa carrière grâce à ses 34 buts inscrits en Liga. Il est également primé meilleur buteur de la Ligue des Champions avec 8 buts et meilleur joueur du championnat d'Espagne. Auteur de 47 buts en 53 matchs durant la saison 2009-2010, Messi égale le record de buts de Ronaldo en une saison au FC Barcelone. Il remporte la Liga et la Supercoupe d'Espagne. En fin d'année, il remporte un second Ballon d'or consécutif. Il aura marqué 60 buts (dont 58 à Barcelone) en 2010.
En 2011, il devient pour la troisième fois consécutive meilleur buteur de la Ligue des champions, compétition qu'il remporte en territoire anglais. Il devient meilleur buteur, ex-æquo avec Ruud Van Nistelrooy, lors d'une édition de Ligue des Champions, avec 12 buts. De plus Messi bat le record de buts de Ronaldo en une saison au FC Barcelone en totalisant 53 buts en 55 matches. Messi remporte la Liga pour la 5e fois de sa carrière. L'argentin est élu meilleur joueur et meilleur passeur avec 18 passes du championnat d'Espagne, co-meilleur buteur de la Coupe d'Espagne avec 7 buts, Meilleur joueur en Europe de l’UEFA. Il gagne également la Supercoupe d'Espagne, compétition dont il devient le meilleur buteur de l'histoire avec 8 buts, et la Supercoupe de l'UEFA à Monaco.
À seulement 24 ans, Lionel Messi a déjà remporté 17 titres majeurs : 3 Ligue des Champions (il est blessé pour la finale de 2006), 5 Championnats d'Espagne, 5 Supercoupes d'Espagne, une Coupe d'Espagne, 2 Supercoupes d'Europe et une Coupe du monde des clubs avec le FC Barcelone, club dans lequel il joue depuis l'âge de treize ans et pour lequel il est déjà le 2e meilleur buteur de l'histoire (à égalité avec Ladislao Kubala). Avec la sélection argentine, il a remporté les Jeux olympiques 2008 de Pékin.
Movie Review - Margin Call (2011)
An American Tragedy
During the final months of 2008, most of us bore witness to a chain reaction of financial ruin. Investment firms across the country, seemingly strong, had to declare bankruptcy due mostly to the housing bubble collapse and the subsequent loss of value in real estate pricing. This brought about a shift in the economic structure so drastic, it required nothing less than a congressional bailout. It's this backdrop against which Margin Call weaves a cold and devastating yet highly compelling tale. By having it take place almost entirely within the walls of a New York investment firm, and by having the characters speak nearly indecipherable financial lingo, writer/director J.C. Chandor does something rather interesting: He completely immerses the audience in the panic and confusion of the period. To make us understand what's actually being said is not the point.
As the film begins, the firm, which is unnamed but is said to be loosely based on Lehman Brothers, has just seen 80% of its employees laid off. One of the casualties is Eric Dale (Stanley Tucci), the company's senior risk analyst; his opening scene, in which he's fired by a team that fires people for a living, is eerily reminiscent of Up in the Air, and about as equally timely. Just before he leaves, he hands a USB drive to a young analyst named Peter Sullivan (Zachary Quinto) - who, for now at least, is still an employee - and instructs him (1) to analyze the data and see if he can finish what was started, and (2) to be careful. Later that night, when many of the employees are out at a bar, Peter plugs in the drive, takes one look at his computer screen, and is immediately disturbed by what he finds. He calls a fellow analyst, Seth (Penn Badgley), who then contacts their supervisor, Will (Paul Bettany), who in turn contacts his boss, Sam (Kevin Spacey). They come back to the office. They too are shocked.
What exactly is on that computer screen? We don't physically see the data, but we do hear a lot of complicated fiscal jargon attempting to make sense of it. It essentially boils down to this: Their firm, as well as the entire market, is headed for disaster. The rest of the film depicts an emergency meeting at the office, one that will last the entire night. Other employees, including the easily mocked Jared Cohen (Simon Baker) and a senior executive named Sarah Robertson (Demi Moore), analyze the data as completed by Peter - and of course, they come to the same inescapable conclusions. The early morning hours will see the arrival of the firm's CEO via helicopter. This would be John Tuld (Jeremy Irons), who likes to speak in condescending simple terms and insists on those around him doing the same. This includes Peter, who was literally a rocket scientist at one point in his life.
All throughout, most of the characters are defined by intriguing personality quirks. Seth, for example, enjoys speculating on the salaries of his superiors. He doesn't always wait for the right moment to start talking, either. Will, who alternates between smoking and anxiously chewing on pieces of nicotine gum, doesn't seem to care how off-putting his cynicism has made him. Funny, how you can grow so weary of the system and yet remain so comfortable in the lifestyle it has afforded you. In one scene on the firm's rooftop - after briefly leaning over the railing and noting that it's not about the fear of falling, but about the possibility that you'll actually jump - he explains to Seth and Peter how easily a $2 million salary can be whittled down to just over $100,000. That figure, I guess, is the wealthy man's version of the poverty line.
All the characters are nicely developed, but not in any usual way. We're not made to sympathize with them. I would wager that most of them are not, properly speaking, even human beings. They're motivated not by public service or even by emotions, but by an instinctual need to keep their company afloat. Irons' character takes a disturbingly Darwinian approach to the problem: The firm will sell off their holdings before the buyers realize they have no value. It's not about loyalty to customers; it's simply about survival. The really sad thing is not that he proposed such an idea, but that everyone was resigned to it happening. A scene late in the film, a conversation between Tucci and Moore, is shockingly matter of fact in this regard.
There are only two instances in which emotions get the better of the characters. One involves Seth in a bathroom stall. The other involves Sam, who is genuinely saddened by his dog's cancer diagnosis. Thematically, this reaches beyond the notion that even soulless corporate drones have the capacity for selflessness; the dog symbolizes the scarceness, frailty, and even the death of innocence. The final shot, which carries this idea even further, is tragic in more ways than one. Margin Call is nothing less than an American tragedy, especially for this very day and age, when the greed and corruption of Wall Street are foremost on everyone's minds. It will be interesting to revisit this film when and if the country is brought back on track. Will future audiences appreciate that it was made at a time when the economy was in shambles, jobs were hard to land, and all reasonable attempts at financial reform were fought against?
During the final months of 2008, most of us bore witness to a chain reaction of financial ruin. Investment firms across the country, seemingly strong, had to declare bankruptcy due mostly to the housing bubble collapse and the subsequent loss of value in real estate pricing. This brought about a shift in the economic structure so drastic, it required nothing less than a congressional bailout. It's this backdrop against which Margin Call weaves a cold and devastating yet highly compelling tale. By having it take place almost entirely within the walls of a New York investment firm, and by having the characters speak nearly indecipherable financial lingo, writer/director J.C. Chandor does something rather interesting: He completely immerses the audience in the panic and confusion of the period. To make us understand what's actually being said is not the point.
As the film begins, the firm, which is unnamed but is said to be loosely based on Lehman Brothers, has just seen 80% of its employees laid off. One of the casualties is Eric Dale (Stanley Tucci), the company's senior risk analyst; his opening scene, in which he's fired by a team that fires people for a living, is eerily reminiscent of Up in the Air, and about as equally timely. Just before he leaves, he hands a USB drive to a young analyst named Peter Sullivan (Zachary Quinto) - who, for now at least, is still an employee - and instructs him (1) to analyze the data and see if he can finish what was started, and (2) to be careful. Later that night, when many of the employees are out at a bar, Peter plugs in the drive, takes one look at his computer screen, and is immediately disturbed by what he finds. He calls a fellow analyst, Seth (Penn Badgley), who then contacts their supervisor, Will (Paul Bettany), who in turn contacts his boss, Sam (Kevin Spacey). They come back to the office. They too are shocked.
What exactly is on that computer screen? We don't physically see the data, but we do hear a lot of complicated fiscal jargon attempting to make sense of it. It essentially boils down to this: Their firm, as well as the entire market, is headed for disaster. The rest of the film depicts an emergency meeting at the office, one that will last the entire night. Other employees, including the easily mocked Jared Cohen (Simon Baker) and a senior executive named Sarah Robertson (Demi Moore), analyze the data as completed by Peter - and of course, they come to the same inescapable conclusions. The early morning hours will see the arrival of the firm's CEO via helicopter. This would be John Tuld (Jeremy Irons), who likes to speak in condescending simple terms and insists on those around him doing the same. This includes Peter, who was literally a rocket scientist at one point in his life.
All throughout, most of the characters are defined by intriguing personality quirks. Seth, for example, enjoys speculating on the salaries of his superiors. He doesn't always wait for the right moment to start talking, either. Will, who alternates between smoking and anxiously chewing on pieces of nicotine gum, doesn't seem to care how off-putting his cynicism has made him. Funny, how you can grow so weary of the system and yet remain so comfortable in the lifestyle it has afforded you. In one scene on the firm's rooftop - after briefly leaning over the railing and noting that it's not about the fear of falling, but about the possibility that you'll actually jump - he explains to Seth and Peter how easily a $2 million salary can be whittled down to just over $100,000. That figure, I guess, is the wealthy man's version of the poverty line.
All the characters are nicely developed, but not in any usual way. We're not made to sympathize with them. I would wager that most of them are not, properly speaking, even human beings. They're motivated not by public service or even by emotions, but by an instinctual need to keep their company afloat. Irons' character takes a disturbingly Darwinian approach to the problem: The firm will sell off their holdings before the buyers realize they have no value. It's not about loyalty to customers; it's simply about survival. The really sad thing is not that he proposed such an idea, but that everyone was resigned to it happening. A scene late in the film, a conversation between Tucci and Moore, is shockingly matter of fact in this regard.
There are only two instances in which emotions get the better of the characters. One involves Seth in a bathroom stall. The other involves Sam, who is genuinely saddened by his dog's cancer diagnosis. Thematically, this reaches beyond the notion that even soulless corporate drones have the capacity for selflessness; the dog symbolizes the scarceness, frailty, and even the death of innocence. The final shot, which carries this idea even further, is tragic in more ways than one. Margin Call is nothing less than an American tragedy, especially for this very day and age, when the greed and corruption of Wall Street are foremost on everyone's minds. It will be interesting to revisit this film when and if the country is brought back on track. Will future audiences appreciate that it was made at a time when the economy was in shambles, jobs were hard to land, and all reasonable attempts at financial reform were fought against?
Although Chris never officially studied film, film theory, or even journalism in college, his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Creative Writing has taught him to appreciate story, character, and the imagination - all aspects that apply to the movies, and if there's anything his years of living in Los Angeles has guaranteed him, exposure to movies would be at the top of the list. He has always appreciated the art of filmmaking, but it wasn't until 2006 that he began writing reviews on various websites for new releases. Still residing in L.A., his reviews can be read at his website, http://www.atatheaternearyou.net/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Pandolfi
Pop Art in Britain
The emergence of the pop art movement has its roots in Britain. Historical records indicate that this movement emerged in UK during the 1950s as a direct distinction from the high brow culture of traditional art. This movement challenged everything that traditional art stood for and soon emerged as a strong contender. From Britain, this art form spread to other nations and flourished in different countries, especially in America. Even today, it is highly popular and many people vie to buy the various styles and versions that are continually being created. Through this article, we will try to examine how pop art emerged in Britain, how it took its name and the artists who helped promote the movement.
The Independent Group
The emergence of the art form has its initialization in the Independent Group. This group was formed when critics, painters, architects, designers, musicians and other artists from diverse areas of work came together as one entity. This group challenged the standard norms of the industry and celebrated newness, novelty and individuality.
Emergence of the art form
During the 1954-55 session, the topic of Popular Culture was selected as the central theme for discussion. This theme was chosen as the group perceived that era to be of profound importance and as one that was witnessing various changes. It was also noted by the experts that art had to come to terms with that current culture rather than departing from it. The concept of escaping from prevalent culture or ignoring it was considered irrational, and experts decided that there was a need to embrace that as a form of art.
Exhibitions that kick-started pop art
After a series of many such discussions, the art form soon began to take shape. Exhibitions were regularly held with the most popular of these being titled 'this is tomorrow'. Conducted at White Chapel Art Gallery in London in 1956, it showcased various styles of art representing modern culture.
Emergence of the phrase: Pop Art
The term was coined around the same time. As per records, in the year 1954, 'pop art' was coined by John McHale for the movement that soon followed. This term was extensively used in discussions by the Independent Group. Much credit for popularizing this term also goes to Lawrence Alloway, a British art critic and curator who used it in a 1958 essay titled 'The Arts and the Mass Media'.
Popularizing the form
Once the movement started off with the support of the Independent Group, it had a good following. Both supporters and critics of the art form came across vociferously to get across their views. In this manner, the art form took shape and in the hands of a few artists took an improved form. From its origins in Britain, pop art quickly traveled to other parts of the world. America was specially influenced with many artists there adapting it to suit their culture and prevalent lifestyle.
Today pop art is a global phenomena, with many countries having their own special styles. However certain iconic styles like Warhol, Lichtenstein, Blek le Rat and Banksy have remained with us. Pop art continues to grow and thrive, with new trends continually fueling its growth and diversity. This is an art form that can only get better.
The Independent Group
The emergence of the art form has its initialization in the Independent Group. This group was formed when critics, painters, architects, designers, musicians and other artists from diverse areas of work came together as one entity. This group challenged the standard norms of the industry and celebrated newness, novelty and individuality.
Emergence of the art form
During the 1954-55 session, the topic of Popular Culture was selected as the central theme for discussion. This theme was chosen as the group perceived that era to be of profound importance and as one that was witnessing various changes. It was also noted by the experts that art had to come to terms with that current culture rather than departing from it. The concept of escaping from prevalent culture or ignoring it was considered irrational, and experts decided that there was a need to embrace that as a form of art.
Exhibitions that kick-started pop art
After a series of many such discussions, the art form soon began to take shape. Exhibitions were regularly held with the most popular of these being titled 'this is tomorrow'. Conducted at White Chapel Art Gallery in London in 1956, it showcased various styles of art representing modern culture.
Emergence of the phrase: Pop Art
The term was coined around the same time. As per records, in the year 1954, 'pop art' was coined by John McHale for the movement that soon followed. This term was extensively used in discussions by the Independent Group. Much credit for popularizing this term also goes to Lawrence Alloway, a British art critic and curator who used it in a 1958 essay titled 'The Arts and the Mass Media'.
Popularizing the form
Once the movement started off with the support of the Independent Group, it had a good following. Both supporters and critics of the art form came across vociferously to get across their views. In this manner, the art form took shape and in the hands of a few artists took an improved form. From its origins in Britain, pop art quickly traveled to other parts of the world. America was specially influenced with many artists there adapting it to suit their culture and prevalent lifestyle.
Today pop art is a global phenomena, with many countries having their own special styles. However certain iconic styles like Warhol, Lichtenstein, Blek le Rat and Banksy have remained with us. Pop art continues to grow and thrive, with new trends continually fueling its growth and diversity. This is an art form that can only get better.
Ronan Le Breton is the owner of Personal Art, a pop art studio that is based in Bali and operational across the world. Through the virtual interface of its website http://www.personal-art.me.uk/, the site showcases its 21 (and growing!) variations of pop art. The site also provides suggestions on how personalised pop art can be created from digital photographs and printed on to a range of mediums, at their gift shop.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ronan_Le_Breton
Good Reasons Why You Should Learn a Musical Instrument
For anyone who's ever considered learning a musical instrument in the past, this article explains to you exactly why you should think about it a little bit more seriously. You might know about a few opportunities you'll gain from doing this, but you might not know about some. Hopefully this will give you the determination you need to stop being lazy and start learning to play.
Join a band - I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to join a band. For a start, it's cool. Secondly, if you've got the stuff, there's a chance you'll be able to make yourself some good money. I'm not saying you'll be part of the next Coldplay or U2, but even if you're well known locally you'll be able to earn great money from performing. Third, even if you don't make a lot of money from it, just think of the buzz you get from people dancing around to your music.
Impress the opposite sex - Just think of all the girls who dig rock stars? Even ones who aren't particularly attractive - even ones who are 75 years old. Think of Mick Jagger - he's always been able to bag a supermodel despite his age. There's something about being more attractive if you have a musical talent.
Change of career - 9 to 5 might be taking a toll on your morale. Yeah, it pays, but you hate having to turn up every day and answer to someone you don't like. Just think, while you're photocopying for the 80th time in a day, get learning an instrument and the mundanity of your office job might soon seem like a lifetime away.
Improve employability - Although this might not be as big an opportunity as the rest, don't be surprised if it helps your chances at getting a job. Just think - you and another person are going for the same job. You both have identical degrees, identical interview answers and identical hands on experience. When the interviewer asks if you have any other skills, you mention that you're an excellent guitar player, where your rival has nothing to offer. You've showed your potential boss that you're capable of sticking at something and that's a fantastic ability to have in any job.
You need a hobby - Everybody's been stuck in a rut before. Even if you have a job, you might be in that routine where you get home from work, eat junk and go to sleep. Starting a new hobby will help you get your zest for life back.
Song writer - You might fancy your chances at writing - might have been great at poetry in your youth but never really thought about writing a song. If you learn music, there's a better chance of you being able to put your words into song.
If you're trying to learn an instrument, whatever the reason, with the evolution of the internet, you're able to learn through all kinds of different channels. It's easier than ever to learn, so don't waste your opportunity. You've been able to learn through YouTube and online music sites for a while now, but lately there's been a more effective way to learn.
Join a band - I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to join a band. For a start, it's cool. Secondly, if you've got the stuff, there's a chance you'll be able to make yourself some good money. I'm not saying you'll be part of the next Coldplay or U2, but even if you're well known locally you'll be able to earn great money from performing. Third, even if you don't make a lot of money from it, just think of the buzz you get from people dancing around to your music.
Impress the opposite sex - Just think of all the girls who dig rock stars? Even ones who aren't particularly attractive - even ones who are 75 years old. Think of Mick Jagger - he's always been able to bag a supermodel despite his age. There's something about being more attractive if you have a musical talent.
Change of career - 9 to 5 might be taking a toll on your morale. Yeah, it pays, but you hate having to turn up every day and answer to someone you don't like. Just think, while you're photocopying for the 80th time in a day, get learning an instrument and the mundanity of your office job might soon seem like a lifetime away.
Improve employability - Although this might not be as big an opportunity as the rest, don't be surprised if it helps your chances at getting a job. Just think - you and another person are going for the same job. You both have identical degrees, identical interview answers and identical hands on experience. When the interviewer asks if you have any other skills, you mention that you're an excellent guitar player, where your rival has nothing to offer. You've showed your potential boss that you're capable of sticking at something and that's a fantastic ability to have in any job.
You need a hobby - Everybody's been stuck in a rut before. Even if you have a job, you might be in that routine where you get home from work, eat junk and go to sleep. Starting a new hobby will help you get your zest for life back.
Song writer - You might fancy your chances at writing - might have been great at poetry in your youth but never really thought about writing a song. If you learn music, there's a better chance of you being able to put your words into song.
If you're trying to learn an instrument, whatever the reason, with the evolution of the internet, you're able to learn through all kinds of different channels. It's easier than ever to learn, so don't waste your opportunity. You've been able to learn through YouTube and online music sites for a while now, but lately there's been a more effective way to learn.
Skype harp lessons
Skype music lessons are becoming more popular as more people learn how to use Skype for their everyday lives. Although it's been popular for phone and video calls for a while now, there's no reason whatsoever that you can't learn music through Skype. Whether you want to learn the guitar, piano or a more unique instrument such as the harp - there are many people out there who are willing to teach you.
Skype music lessons are becoming more popular as more people learn how to use Skype for their everyday lives. Although it's been popular for phone and video calls for a while now, there's no reason whatsoever that you can't learn music through Skype. Whether you want to learn the guitar, piano or a more unique instrument such as the harp - there are many people out there who are willing to teach you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Ryan_Kidd
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